William Dunkel.
Informatics PhD. Student
University of California, Irvine
Emphasising Game Studies
Mermaids of Iedo
A collaborative game about the Korean Haenyeo, diving fisherwomen of the island of Jeju.
Live through the 20th century of Korea experiencing the Japanese Colonial Period through the South Korean Democratization movement in this Serious Analog Educational Game.
02 Game Studies
Connected Learning Summit
Tech Demo for Mermaids of Iedo
Presented a curated version of Mermaids of Iedo to the Connected Learning Summit 2019 held at University of California, Irvine .
Media Ventriloquism: Double Ventriloquism & Aegyo in Overwatch
Book Chapter
An academic book chapter co-written with Aaron Trammell about how Blizzard Entertainment Overwatch utilizes Korean Aegyo and Sonic representation.
Digital Games Research Assoc. (DiGRA19)
Conference Presentation
Presented Mermaid of Iedo at the 2019 International Conference held at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto, Japan.
Analog Game Studies
Journal Article
Published "The Mermaids of Iedo:Balancing Design and Research in Serious Games".
The Virtual Wardrobe
M.A. Thesis
Thesis exploring the role of digital fashion and skins on Korean Online Gamers.
Assoc. of Asian Studies in Asia
Conference Presentation
Presented the paper "Nerf This: Localization and Pan-cultural Representation of Aegyo in Overwatch” at Ashoka University in New Delhi, India.